The best way to attract new customers online is to create content that they’re actually interested in. Think about it…why do people bother to search for things with Google?
Your customers (and prospective customers) have questions. They’re trying to fix a problem. They’re looking for options…or they’re watching stupid cat videos, but don’t worry about that part.
Here’s a super easy way to figure out what questions people are asking related to your industry or business. If you can help people with their problems, question, challenges, you’ll win their attention. If you don’t, your competitors will.
I suggest bringing all your “secret sauce” to the front lines. Give it all away…how to do stuff, fix stuff, options people have…even if it’s not a benefit to you. This is how you build credibility and trust…and make the phone ring.
I promise it’s a great business move to dedicate a little energy toward content creation and bringing value for free online.